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And So We Begin..

Hey there!

I decided to finally make something that i have been wanting to (and talking to my friends about) for ages and start a blog! If you're here and you're reading this - either i asked you to read this or you somehow found your way here - THANK YOU!

For close to two months now, I have been based in Japan teaching English in an English Language school. After living such a fast-paced life Singapore for 5 years doing marketing, it was a HUGE (but pleasant) change to settle in a quiet countryside here.

As what blogs are meant to be, this will be my online diary - to be filled with stuff I'd be experiencing here such as starting from scratch or stuff that I have experienced in Singapore that I feel awesome enough to share. So if you're interested in going through this journey with me (in a very millenial way of course), by all means, please do! xoxo

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